Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Low Male Libido

As men age, many suffer a decrease in sex drive. This isn't as natural as you'd think; in a study conducted by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), men still on average feel as much sexual desire as they did in their middle age. There's more at play here than simply getting older.

So, find out why you're just not up for it like you used to be. There are many factors that could be to blame, both physical and emotional. Most cases of low libido are mental rather than physical. Stress is the number one cause behind a low libido - while sex is a great way to get your mind off of things, you've got to be ready for it in the first place. Any other negative feelings, like guilt or depression, can also be at work.

Once you've exhausted all of those possibilities and you've determined that your dip in sexual desire isn't emotional, then it's on to consider physical causes. A profound decrease in testosterone may be to blame.

As men age, they lose 10% of testosterone a decade. Many men lose more than this, resulting in a male form of menopause. Millions of men are going through this right now without even realizing it. They're so convinced that they're just experiencing growing older. But feeling tired and out of sorts is not necessarily a universal experience when you're in your forties or fifties. There are men out there who are still in great shape through their golden years - then why should you twenty years younger feel like an old man?

There are so many other ways that your body is affected by a dip in testosterone, such as a decrease in bone density, an increase in body fat, and balding, but it's really what it does to a man's sexual health that he really starts to take notice. Depression is a symptom of andropause, and while this in itself affects your sexual desire, it also affects every aspect of your life.

There's no need for you to live at half-mast. Life doesn't stop when you're 40, or 50, or 60. So get yourself in order and feel like you did in your thirties. You have the power to change your body around, by engaging in regular exercise and healthy eating. Men going through a mid-life crisis has become a cliché, but we're hoping that you take your middle years as an opportunity to take care of yourself. Too many men let their health slide in their youth, relying on a good metabolism. Now it's time to pay it back.

Try Provacyl to enhance your testosterone. Unlike medications meant to increase libido and sexual function, Provacyl has no side effects and you don't need a prescription. It's also meant to give your whole body a boost, promoting testosterone production, stimulating growth hormone, and improving blood flow and oxidization. Provacyl is also packed with aphrodisiacs that have been used for hundreds, or some even thousands, of years. So while you enjoy a greater sex life, your body gets a new start.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How a penis patch works

The penis patch is probably the easiest penis enhancement solution for the busy man of today. A simple patch applied to the skin, this product contains a blend of herbal substances, which are slowly pumped into the circulatory system through the skin.

The patch stays hidden under clothing and can be worn safely when you work out at the gym, work in the office or shop at the mall. The best place for it is the hip or in the area located one or two inches above the pubic zone. The patch is water resistant enough to be worn in the shower, but customers should avoid submerging it in water.

Like all other penis enhancement products, the patch is focusing on stimulating the development of the spongy tissue that makes up the penis. This would allow the penis to trap more blood in the Corpora Cavernosa during erection and, ultimately, to grow bigger. The combination of herbal substances will also help customers increase their sexual stamina, produce more semen (which translates into longer orgasms) and gain improved control over ejaculation.

Another benefit is the fact that a bigger penis and more satisfying sex life lead to increased confidence and a new outlook on life. Friends will be surprised to see a new attitude emerging as the penis grows in size, while your partner will certainly be happier with the new you.

How Does ProSolution Pills Work?

The ProSolution Pill System is the most advanced penis enhancement system available. For over 2 years, our pill has been thoroughly researched, through tests and trials to make sure we give you the best quality we can. No other pill will match the results that our Pill System produces.

There are no painful hanging weights, no tough exercises, and no dangerous surgery needed. With our Prosolution Pill system you will experience penis enhancement, increased sexual stamina, mind-blowing sex, longer lasting erections and greater confidence.

The ProSolution Pill System provides a 2-step plan consists of a very powerful penile enhancement capsules and exceptional detailed enhancement techniques program. The enhancement techniques offer you possible exercises you can use in combination with the pills. Spending 5 minutes a day of exercise will let you see the remarkable results in just a short time.

  • Step 1. The ProSolution capsules contain a special herbal formula and sexual nutrients to help increase blood circulation to the penile region so enhancement can happen. The Copora Cavernosa will expand larger which in turn will produce larger, fuller erections and a heftier flaccid size. Take 3 capsules a day for best results.

  • Step 2. With the unique ProSolution Pills we include a free "enhancement techniques manual". The use of this manual is non-compulsory, however combining this with our unique ProSolution capsules will result in remarkable gains in a shorter period of time. The exercises in this program will produce very small "tears" within the cell walls, which heal overnight. After a short period of time your penis will grow larger, thicker, and healthier, creating results in a matter of weeks.

Penis Pills are supplements. This is important to know. Body builders use supplements for different reasons: for faster gains, for quicker recuperation, and for more energy etc. One of the more common supplements is Creatine Monohydrate.

Creatine has been proven to make you gain more muscle more quickly, repair the torn muscle fibres more rapidly and generally help you get bigger muscle if you exercise. Even if you take buckets full of Creatine, you will not gain one ounce of muscle, because it only works if you are physically working out and exercising. It is a supplement to enhance your body building exercise program.

Penis Pills do exactly the same, increasing blood flow to the penis to provide nutrients which will supplement your penis exercise growth, and help you gain length quicker, easier and effectively.

The only difference is that you need to combine them with a penis exercise program. There is a lot of debate on whether penis exercise work or not, but according to the men on the largest community of penis enlargers online, penis exercise is the only way to make it last. And they all agree that penis exercises are the only best way to do and most of them take some form of supplement with their selected exercise program.

We strongly recommend Prosolution Pills because it helps you enhance your penis quicker and more effectively if used in combination with a penis exercise program.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

How to Achieve Male Multiple Orgasms

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Safe ways to lose weight

We all know how hard it is to lose weight. Sometimes the process of losing that excess weight can be emotionally draining. You feel like you’re deprived, or starving, when in fact, you are reprogramming your body as well as your mind. You want to be a better you. You want to be able to do the things you couldn’t do before and live a longer life, and in order to do that you know how you have to figure out how to lose the weight safely and effectively.

In order to be healthy, you have to realize that to be healthy you have to be at a weight that you feel is right for you and not the right weight that doctors and other health professionals say you should be at. You can always consult a doctor and ask them what they think you should be at, but in the end, you have to be happy with you. There are a lot of people in the world who are unhappy with the way they look or unhappy with their weight but aren’t sure where to start. There are many so-called magic drinks and foods out there that say they will help you lose that pesky weight in so many days, but most tend to fail.

Safe weight loss is a long-term goal. People who lose their weight too quickly, will more than likely gain the weight back that they lost, or gain more than they lost in the first place. Crash dieting and other extreme measures usually will bring that weight back and more. Changing your eating and lifestyle habits is key in losing your weight safely and effectively.

We have all been in this situation before where we were on a diet and trying to change our habits and lose the weight, only to sit at the dinner table with our families and watch the other family members eating chocolate cake for dessert or really greasy french fries with a big, meaty hamburger with all the extras. And you sit there and watch them eating this and you feel deprived, sad, or even depressed. You decide that “hey I can have a few bites of the cake, and I’ll start again tomorrow” only to find there is no tomorrow. You continue on that roller coaster. Why not make the lifestyle change and your weight loss a family thing? You can ask your family to help you with this lifestyle change. Tell them you need their support and their help to make good decisions on the food you choose to put in your body, which can in turn benefit the whole family.

Changing your diet can really impact your life and those around you. Try changing a few things at first such as watching what you drink. Soda pop and certain juices hold a great amount of sugar and calories, and watching what you drink can save you over 400 calories a day in itself. Experts say you should be drinking eight glasses of water a day (8 ounces in each glass) to be healthy and help lose that weight. Secondly, you can try to reduce the portions of your meal. Instead of eating that whole hamburger, cut it in half and eat one half first. Definitely try to incorporate healthier foods into your meals, such as lean beef for your hamburgers, or you can even try a veggie burger! Thirdly, you should stop eating when you’re full. Stopping when you start to feel a little bit full is much better for you than gorging yourself. Try to pay attention as you eat by turning off the television, chew each bite at least fifty times before taking another bite, and so on. Avoid eating when you’re bored or if you get upset about something. Do something like take a drive, walk down your street, call a friend, do anything but eat when you don’t NEED to.

Another safe way to lose weight is by eating less more often. This is not considered grazing which is eating a little bit here and there every hour on the hour. Eating some small snacks will help you make healthy decisions at meal time. You can choose to eat whole-grain bars, low-fat pretzels, and even fruit for your snacks! Speaking of fruit, dig those fruits and vegetables out of your crisper and eat them! Did you know that eating five fruits and vegetables daily will help you lose weight, keep your heart and your body healthier than ever before? It’s true. Don’t forget to work in vitamins and other food supplements to help you get on the right track for safe weight loss.

Food supplements are a great way to safely lose weight and maintain your weight. Everyone wants to avoid becoming a statistic for obesity. Another safe way to lose and maintain your weight is by incorporating the suggestions above as well as a food supplement called HoodiaRush. What it contains is all-natural, one hundred percent authentic South African Hoodia. The great thing about hoodia is that it stops your hunger for up to six hours at a time. This isn’t a magic pill that will help you lose weight overnight. It is a proven safe and effective way to help you lose weight.

No one wants to be overweight and be tired all of the time. Whether it is by exercise, diet and lifestyle change, and HoodiaRush, you can stop the vicious and endless cycle of overeating and eating too much and start to lose that weight by adding these wonderful ways of losing weight to your lifestyle today.


Erection Oil FAQs

What is in topical erection oils?

The formulations vary by manufacturer as to their exact ingredients. They may contain herbs, nutrients, amino acids and other natural ingredients. Look for a statement that attests to the product's purity and effectiveness, and also for information about the transdermal delivery of ingredients. Formulations without the correct considerations for transdermal delivery may not be as effective.

How do topical erection oils compare with Viagra?

Many of the effects are quite similar, however, topical erection oils come in transdermal form, and are applied to the genitals, so unlike Viagra, you don't ingest anything. One of the benefits of this is that topical oil works much faster -- within seconds -- because there's no waiting for a drug to work its way through the digestive system. Next, topical erection oils are all natural, based on time-tested botanicals and new transdermal technology. That means you can get the product without a prescription, there are no side effects. Erection oils are effective and far more affordable than prescription drugs.

Are topical erection oils condom-compatible?

This varies from product to product, as well as the type of condom you are using. Latex condoms should not be used with oil, so if this is a concern, look for formulas that do not contain petroleum jelly or mineral oil. Water based formulas, like VigRX Oil™, are best.

Will it leave a greasy or oily residue?

Again, check the specific ingredients of a product. Water-based formulas provide immediate absorption into the tissue of the penis without an oily or greasy feeling. Oil based formulas tend to leave greasy residue, so read the product information carefully.

Which topical erection oils are safe to use for oral sex?

Oils with no synthetic, chemical, petrochemical by-products, artificial colors and/or fragrances are safe to use. VigRX Oil™, the industry leader, has a natural base with the therapeutic ingredients to offer the safest, most effective product available to date. This varies from product to product, and the answer to this question is most often found in the FAQ section.

How do I apply it?

Whenever using any fluid or oil on sensitive areas of your body, it is best to test it out on a small scale first. If there are no problems on the test, try massaging the oil into the penis all over until an erection is achieved. When you first begin to use the product, we suggest masturbating with it before using it during sex to become more comfortable with the amount needed and the sensation it produces.

Can these oils complicate sexual disease?

Erection oils are not recommended for those with a Herpes Simplex Virus outbreak or any other open sores or skin lesions in the genital area. Check with your doctor for appropriate practice if you have any sexual health concerns.

How is this different from an oral tablet?

The effects are similar, however, topical oils are meant to give an immediate response that lasts throughout your sexual session. Pills tend to be more long-term and overall-sexual-health focused, giving ongoing benefits all the time. Oils are scientifically designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the penile tissue instantaneously giving noticeable results within 90 seconds. With an oil, 95% of the therapeutic ingredients are absorbed, compared to approximately 5-10% with an herbal capsule or tablet. The products can be used concurrently; however, we feel its best to use oil and a tablet from the same manufacturer that were designed to work together. VigRX™ pills and VigRX Oil™ are a good example -- these are produced by a reputable company and can be used together safely and with excellent results.

Will this increase penile and sexual performance?

Yes, one is most likely to notice the benefit in the areas of strength and rigidity of the penis and also a reduction in the occurrence of premature ejaculation.

Will this oil increase the size of my penis?

Because oils will allow for greater blood flow to the penis, you may notice your erection feels more powerful and seems larger in circumference and strength. Although your penis will not grow in size from the product, it will reach its full size capacity.

How much does it cost?

Topical erection oils are much less expensive than prescription drugs. But because good, effective oils contain pure natural ingredients, they do cost more than a simple lubricant. Overall, they're surprisingly inexpensive for all you get. Prices range from $40 to $150 a bottle. Most companies offer a discount if you purchase in larger quantities. VigRX Oil™ is one of the most recommended products, and it costs $49.95 USD a bottle.

What type of guarantee do I get?

We'd recommend that you never buy from a company that does NOT offer a full money-back guarantee. Before you order, you should feel that if you don't see a substantial increase in the hardness of your erections, or better sexual performance, then you can return it for a refund, no questions asked. This is the VigRX Oil™ guarantee, and we think it should be the industry standard. Unfortunately, not everyone offers a guarantee as good as this.

Are there other ways to improve my sexual health?

Of course, the best way to improve any aspect of your health is to eliminate bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking, give yourself a better diet and exercise regularly. While you're working on healthier living overall, adding a male enhancement supplement can take you to an even better level of sexual performance and pleasure.

Some other products you may be interested in include: MaxiDerm™, Semenax™, VigRX™, and GenF20™.