Friday, November 30, 2007

Problems With Premature Ejaculation

It's possible that your husband's rapid ejaculation has gotten him so down that he's withdrawing from sex. If so, that can be easily remedied. Quite often, when a man gains good ejaculatory control, he suddenly becomes much more interested in sex. And even if he doesn't, it might be nicer for both of you if he lasted longer.

Faced with involuntary ejaculation, most men try to distract themselves during intercourse, believing that by thinking about other things, they can trick themselves into lasting longer. Usually, that only makes things worse.

Don't tune out your body. TUNE INTO IT. You need to become more familiar with your different levels of sexual arousal. You also need to recognize how you feel as you approach your point of ejaculatory inevitability, the "point of no return." Once you recognize how you feel close to your point of no return, it's not difficult to make small sexual adjustments that allow you to remain highly aroused without ejaculating.

Sexual arousal is a four-phase process. In the Excitement Phase, breathing deepens and erection begins. In the Plateau Stage, erection becomes full and you feel highly aroused. When arousal builds to a certain point, the next phase occurs, Orgasm with Ejaculation. Then during the Resolution Phase, breathing returns to normal and erection subsides. The key to ejaculatory control is to extend the Plateau Phase, to maintain arousal without triggering Orgasm and Ejaculation.

For more information visit:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ways to Make Your Penis Appear Bigger

Male enhancement procedures have always been the last resort by men who are not satisfied with the sizes of their penises. And when one mentions male enhancement procedures, the first thing that comes to mind is surgery. Today, however, men don't have to actually go under the knife to have their manhood increased , as today there are other way of making one's penis appear bigger.

In general, men have always felt the need to prove themselves through the size of their penis. As a result, they resort to procedures of all sorts just to achieve whatever they think is ideal. Essentially, male enhancement procedures are categorized into two types: self-treatment methods and surgical methods.

Common Methods

The most patronized method today is the use of supplements. In particular, herbal supplements are the most popular. These are readily available at your local drugstore without prescription.

These supplements have been taken by men from Asia to Europe for centuries. Some claim, however, that these supplements actually do no good at all as they're manufactured by companies whose sole goal is to earn cash. . Among the side effects are the common cold, rashes, and sneezing. Another serious threat in taking herbal supplements is the damage it can bring to your hormones. Thus, it is advised that before taking or even purchasing these pills, it would be wise to consult a doctor first.

Another popular method is the use of mechanical devices. These devices are also available in your local drugstore but they're usually not displayed due to ethical reasons. One of the most known devices is the penis pump. Like the breast pumps for women, penis pumps work by creating pressure. The main difference, however, is the shape, which should fit the penis properly. The problem with pumps is that it can bring too much pressure on your penis, causing it to bleed. There are also hard-rimmed pumps which could cut the area where the pump is fitted. A pump is usually fitted at the base of the penis where it could cut vital nerves, veins, ligaments, and even the entire penis itself. Surely no one wants that to happen.

The previously mentioned methods are all affordable, but perhaps the most expensive way to do it is surgery. There are three ways to surgically enhance your penis. The first one is through silicone implants. The implants are inflated through a pump inserted beside the groin area. This type is actually favored by impotent men. The second one is through the cutting of ligaments, causing your penis to almost perpetually dangle. Taken off, your penis can now erect and function properly although this is not the case for everyone. The third one is through penile injections where the doctor injects silicone, collagen or petroleum jelly directly to your penis. All surgical methods are safe through the assistance of a doctor, but not everyone can afford such luxury.

Alternative Methods

Those who don't have the luxury of undergoing surgical procedures or just don't want to go under the knife can employ alternative methods to make their manhoods appear bigger.

One of the most effective ways to enlarge your penis is through massages and exercising. Numerous massage and exercise methods are introduced to perfect the procedure. Among them are jelqing (also known as milking), clamping, stretching, and hanging. Jelqing is done like the way a female breast is milked, thus the name milking. Clamping, on the other hand, is about using a constricting device like a cable clamp or shoestring which you tie your penis with. While firmly tied, you do an "edging" or pulling the string such that your penis is stimulated. Stretching and hanging, meanwhile, is about pulling your penis to give it a longer or bigger effect. However, if all these methods are done in excess, these may cause your penis to be deformed and curved.

Another way to make you penis look bigger is by trimming off your pubic hair, leaving just enough for coverage. Your pubic hair keeps most of your penis hidden, thus making it look small. You can also opt to have it waxed, if you're man enough to handle the pain.

Also, keeping fit would also give you and your partner the illusion of bigger size. Remember that flab, especially in the abdominal area, may actually decrease the size of your penis. Think of them as huge drapes that cover a window with an otherwise wonderful view.

On a last note, it is highly advisable that you also keep yourself always clean. Proper hygiene is a great way to present yourself to your partner. Keep yours penis always clean to boost your confidence as this may actually make you less bothered by your penis size. Wash your penis daily, preferably during bath, by using a mild soap and water. Remember, a woman would rather much prefer a clean penis instead of a big but dirty one.

The methods mentioned in this article are only suggestions. For best results, it's recommended that you keep yourself healthy. Being healthy gives you more chances of a greater erection and performance. And essentially, it will give you a healthy sex life. To keep yourself fit and healthy, eat a well-balanced diet, quit smoking, avoid alcoholic drinks and prohibited drugs, exercise, stimulate your penis and take supplements.

For more info. about penis enlargement: PENIS ENLARGEMENT REVIEWS

Saw Palmetto for the prostate

One natural herb used for treating an enlarged prostate is Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto is native to the West Indies and the Atlantic coast of the United States of America. Native Americans and early white settlers used the berries to treat problems with the reproductive system and urinary tract. The herb has been widely used in Europe and Canada for years, and more recently has found favor in even the United States. There is increasing research and growing documentation that supports the benefits of Saw Palmetto for both the prostate and the urinary tract. Nearly 50 percent of men over age 50 will experience benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlargement of the prostate gland. One in seven over this age will be diagnosed with some form of prostate cancer. Saw Palmetto may be as effective in treating BPH as prescription medications and drug.

A clinical trial conducted in of all places, France, reported that the number of times men had to wake up and urinate at night decreased by an incredible forty five percent, and urine flow rate increased by fifty percent after treatment with saw palmetto. In another research study, 1297 males that suffered from enlarged prostates were given Saw Palmetto extract for 12 weeks, the participants observed the following: A) far less need nighttime urination B) increased urine flow, accuracy, and volume.

In an analysis paper on the clinical trials of Saw Palmetto published by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that males given saw palmetto were twice as likely to report an improvement in symptoms than those given a placebo. The plant part used is the berry, and the active constituents are sterols and free fatty acids that are standardized to 85-95 percent.

The initial research and studies of Saw Plametto have certainly been promising and offer a non-prescription drug alternative to treating the enlarged prostate. While Europeans have embraced herbal treatments, these remedies still have not found favor with medical professionals in the United States. Perhaps with more research and experience, herbs will provide a larger role in prostate treatment options in America. Until then, many Americans are seeking out these natural alternatives and supplements at health food stores and trying them on their own without medical supervision. As in all medical treatments, let your doctor know, even if he or she doesn’t approve. This can help you avoid possible side effects with other prescription drugs.

For more information visit: www.prostate-treatment

Erectile Dysfunction

Defined as the inability to maintain or sustain an erection, Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, may be just temporary or the symptom of something greater. Either way, with so many different ways today to cure the problem there is no longer any need to ignore it, hoping it will go away. The real danger erectile dysfunction poses is to a man's quality of life, affecting his self-esteem and relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and especially sexual partners.

Erectile dysfunction affects most men at one time or another in their life and the chance of occurrence only grows with age. A 1999 survey conducted by the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) reported that 22 out of every 1000 men sought help for ED. That's 2% of the population! And almost 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience difficulties getting or maintaining an erection.

The first important factor is determining if the dysfunction is caused by physical or emotional issues. The only way to test if the problem is physical or psychological is by excluding physical diseases that may be at fault.

The majority of long-term erection difficulties are caused by some sort of physical ailment. The most common are vascular disease, which is the hardening of arteries, certain kinds of prescription drugs, and fatigue. These are just a few examples though in a long list. In these cases, blood is unable to surge or remain in the penis.

While approximately 70% of ED cases are physiological, the other 30% are caused by psychological factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, stress, depression and loss of self-worth. This sort of dysfunction starts with the brain.

The difficulty may be either long-lasting or temporary. Either way, it's an embarrassing problem that can be easily avoided in the future. There are many different methods to cure erectile dysfunction, both medical and non-medical. It's important to remember that any sort of treatment should be used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. Drugs, alcohol and smoking play a part in ED.

Medication prescribed by a doctor is common, either oral or injected directly into the penis. Medications like Viagra have helped thousands of men across the country, but also have adverse side effects including nausea and dizziness and are incompatible with certain medications. They must be taken about an hour before sex is possible. Surgery is another method, but is expensive with a long recuperation period. Surgery involves prosthetic implants, or a pump inserted into the genital area that the male would have to pump before sexual intercourse.

Therapy, penis pumps, and herbal supplements are three non-medical methods of curing ED. Therapy, with a registered sex therapist or other mental health professional, is quite effective in cases of psychological-caused ED, but not in physical cases. Therapy tends to be a long process, and some men are embarrassed to talk at length about their sexual problems. Penis pumps are used by inserting the penis into a tube and using a pump until erection is achieved, at which point a ring is rolled onto the base of the penis to keep the erection hard. It works, but the pump must be used each time before intercourse and doesn't address the real problem, only acting as a temporary fix.

A safe and easy method is herbal supplements, like VigRX Plus™. These supplements are made from organically-produced plants chosen for their aphrodisiacs that have been used for hundreds of years in different parts of the world. Herbal supplements are completely free of side effects and deliver quick results. The user can stop the treatment at any time with no adverse effects. Herbal supplements not only address the physical, but the psychological factors as well, as it increases libido.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Penile curvature: is surgery the only option?

The majority of men have a very slight curve or sideways "hang" to the penis. But about 400 men in every 100,000 suffer from the condition of severely bent or curved erect penis, so extreme that it makes intercourse painful for both partners or completely impossible. The erect penis may bend in a "J" or "U" shape, or may have a series of bends that create an almost corkscrew-like appearance. This condition is referred to in the medical community as Peyronie's Disease, and is also sometimes called fibrous caverositis as a description of the condition of having fibrous scar tissue building up in the layers of erectile tissue (cavernosa).

Physicians disagree about the exact cause of Peyronie's. It's clear, however, that the condition occurs when inelastic plaque or scar tissue replaces the normally elastic tissue of some part of the penis. Normally, an erection expands the elastic tissue of the penis more or less symmetrically, producing a straight erection. But because scar tissue is not elastic, or stretchy, but rather hard, it stays put while other parts of the penis engorge, resulting in curvature or severe bending. If the scar tissue extends all the way around the shaft of the penis, the result is either "bottleneck" or pinching-in at that location, or even a drastic shortening of the penis.

This unfortunate circumstance may begin with injury, inflammation, or trauma of some sort to the erect penis, such as forceful bending. Some men have developed Peyronie's after attempts to treat erectile dysfunction via injection (the most common drug used for this purpose is called Caverject). Physicians also suspect that other medical conditions may influence the onset of Peyronies, such as high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries or diabetes, which may be linked to other rare genetic causes. Currently, though, the most likely culprit is believed to be trauma followed by slow or abnormal healing.

As for treatment, it's important to understand that every case of Peyronie's is different. For some men, surgery is a logical option, though physicians generally tell patients to wait at least a year or two before surgical attempts to correct it are made. During that waiting period, most patients will try other treatments first, with the thought that surgery is a last-resort, drastic choice (if you doubt this, do a search online with the keywords "penile curvature surgery," though you should be warned that these graphic photos are not for the weak of heart or stomach and can be very disturbing).

In some cases, men improve spontaneously without treatment within a year or two, and scar tissue may even disappear. About 40% of men see no change within that time frame, though, and another 40% may even see worsening of conditions. One of the two most-performed surgeries, called the Nesbit procedure, often results in a shortening of the penis by 1 to 2 inches; the other procedure in which scar tissue is replaced with grafted tissue may result in partial or complete loss of erectile function. In these cases, prior to surgery and during the "waiting period," alternative treatments are certainly worthwhile and more effective than doing nothing at all, and are infinitely preferable given the extreme nature of the surgical treatments.

Right now, the best-documented and most successful self-treatments available are in the form of traction devices, perhaps combined with a course of Vitamin E therapy. Highly successful corrective devices like the ProExtender™ ( work by gently applying consistent, measured traction to the penis to counteract the hardening of scar tissue while building the penis's straight-arrow dimensions. The device can be worn discreetly under clothing (even at work, if a man has a low-exertion job) and needs to be applied consistently for a course of months. This device was developed by Swedish doctor, Jorn Ege Siana , and is used in clinics and hospitals throughout the US and Europe by post-penis-surgery patients to ensure proper healing, and is also offered by doctors as an alternative to surgery.

The benefits of traction-device treatment are clear: no side effects, low cost compared to surgery, and the advantage of at-home treatment without the trauma and invasive risks of surgery. To this, many men add Vitamin E, studied throughout the 1940s and 1950s and continuing today concerning its effectiveness against penile curvature. Another natural supplement used by Peyronie's sufferers is Potaba, or potassium amonobenzoate, that has been shown to yield some benefits; however, the cost can be high since the therapy requires 24 pills a day for up to 6 months. There are a number of other oral medications and supplements available by prescription for Peyronie's disease. For any of these approaches, men are advised to consult a physician.

Increasing Sex Drive And Getting Harder Erections, Naturally

Have you ever wanted sex to last longer than you could go? If you answered yes, then you are probably among men who encounter the same problem in bed.

Indeed, the inability to last longer is something that many men regard as their biggest sexual problems. While most may view erection as dependent on sex drive, this is not always the case- sometimes the drive is present but the penis just does not cooperate. A decrease in sex drive and a not-so-firm erection can be caused by several factors.

First on the list and the most popular among the biological problems of a man is a low libido. Libido is considered the sex drive of the body and is primarily influenced by the brain, which, in turn, dictates what the body does. Generally speaking, the conditions of the libido are dependent on the four sexual stimuli distinguished by doctors:

  • visual stimulus, which depends on the physical appearance
  • tactile stimulus, which depends on touch- particularly in the sensitive areas like the nipples and penis
  • auditory stimulus, which is the main reason behind the success of phone sex
  • olfactory stimulus such as titillating perfume scents

When a man's libido rises, according to the aforementioned stimuli, the sex drive correspondingly follows and increases.

Another biological cause of erection problem is premature ejaculation, wherein the man comes too soon even though his partner has not reached an orgasmic state yet. This situation usually results in sexual dissatisfaction and frustration, which eventually causes break-ups among some sexually active relationships. Of course, this situation does not naturally happen without reasons. Premature ejaculation is commonly brought about by the excitement. His excitement causes him to ejaculate quickly because even before he begins penetrating his penis, his sexual fantasies stimulate his sex drive. Premature ejaculation can also be caused by sexual taboos. In some cultures, sex is prohibited so men are forced to ejaculate quickly. More commonly in North America, ejaculating too soon can be the result of frequent masturbation or anxieties.

Sex drive and erection problems can also be influenced by erectile dysfunction or what doctors call weak erection, wherein the penis is often flaccid and is always unable to attain erection. Unknown to many men, erectile dysfunction is not only manifested in not having an erection in the first stages of the sexual experience. Conditions wherein the man is able of erection but does not sustain until his partner reaches orgasm can also be counted as instances of erectile dysfunction. Because of the extent of such sexual problem, it is not surprising that this particular erection dilemma is rampant among men nowadays.

Fortunately, today, lots of supplements and methods are produced to revitalize men and improve their sexual performance. Compared to penis pumps and other penis enhancement devices, doctors recommend more supplements and pills that are helpful in any erection problem. Usually, these supplements, like VigRX Plus™, are rich in natural ingredients such as Saw Palmetto Berry, Extract, Asian Red Ginseng, and others---all of which smoothen blood circulation, increase stamina, and produce more energy hormones.

Experts combine these natural ingredients in just one capsule to produce a supplement that contains the necessary factors to help a man become stronger and long-lasting in bed, naturally. Pills like VigRX Plus™ can relieve men of their erection problems, given that they keep to their intake schedule. These supplements typically have ingredients such as Epimedium Leaf Extract, Icariin, and Cuscuta Seed, all of which help enhance the libido, promote erectile function, and treat premature ejaculation.

If the customer is lucky enough, he can also take advantage of the benefits of other contents in penis enhancement pills, including blood flow increase, revitalized performance in bed, and other aphrodisiacal effects. According to Dr. Khalid Alzwahereh of VigRX Plus™, the herbs contained by such supplements have the ability to help balance the cardiovascular and the nervous systems, which are the main parts that keep the body healthy.

The results of natural sexual enhancement pills like VigRX Plus™ are not without proof. Users of such supplements and even doctors have been sending in testimonies and great reviews about these products, deeming them as the kind of solution that people were looking for. Even professional endorsers have experienced positive changes, not only in their sexual lives, but also in their relationships with other people. Luke Adams, for instance, has achieved a longer-lasting and much firmer erection with his frequent use of VigRX Plus™. His libido also increased and so did the duration and volume of his ejaculation.

With these claims, modern pills and supplements really must work to increase sex drive and get harder erections for men. By just adhering to the regular consumption of penis enhancement pills like VigRX, men do not need to experiment on tools like penis pump or undergo a surgery to increase their libido and achieve hard erections. Instead, they can simply go for the safer, less-hassle method.

Obesity and Prostate Health

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Prevent Premature Ejaculation

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Natural and Safe breast enlargement method

Breasts are secondary sex characteristics and sexually sensitive. Bare female breasts can elicit heightened sexual desires from men. Big breasts are ideal and so many women now are seeking for a safe and effective breast enhancement. We're saying let breasts be like legs and hips and neck and face etc. and all the other body parts - not some almost like inanimate objects that automatically 'click men's brains' to the 'turn on' mode. Perfig is a safe all herbal formula that helps women overcome breast size and lactation problems. Abuta, one of the herbs present in Perfig has a powerful phyto-hormonal action that leads to the growth and development of the areoli and consequently the breast size. For Breast Enhancement and Lactation Problem associated with the mammary glands.

The Safe And Reliable Choice In Breast Enhancement:

"You can Have a bigger, fuller, and firmer breasts Naturally"

"Women and girls tend to worry a
n awful lot about their breast appearance."

How it works? Perfig works to help increase the size of breast and tones the muscles of these secondary sex organs. Perfig leads to a growth in the size of areoli tissues of the breasts and in regularization lactation problems, if any. In addition to these benefits, Perfig helps remove blockage of veins by dissolving the cysts and also prevents from further formation.

Are there any Side Effects? None. However, please check with your physician if already on medication for some critical ailment.

What are the Ingredients?
Each Perfig capsule contains:

Cyperus rotundus 75 mg
Tinospora cordifolia 50 mg
Hemidesmus Indicus 50 mg
Asparagus racemosus 50 mg

Ficus bengalensis 75 mg
Cissampelos pareira 50 mg
Andropogen muricatus 50 mg

Are the results permanent?
Once desired results are achieved, some women scale back dosage to a maintenance amount of one capsule three or four times a week. This reduction in dosage will not compromise size or fullness, once desired results have been achieved.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Erectile dysfunction or impotency

Erectile dysfunction or impotency affects the lives of many middle-aged men and their partners. The term erectile dysfunction covers a range of disorders, but usually refers to the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity. Although erectile dysfunction, formerly called impotence, is more common in men older than 65, it can occur at any age. There are various underlying causes, such as diabetes, many of which are medically reversible.

An estimated 10 to 20 million men around the world have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is often associated with disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, neurological disorders, and depression. In some patients, sexual dysfunction may be the presenting symptom of such disorders. Additionally, ED is often an adverse effect of many medications.

Sexual dysfunction may have physiological or psychological causes or a combination of both. Between 10-52% of men at some point in their lives will experience some type of sexual dysfunction.

The partners of impotent men often feel is the fear that he may be physically ill. After all, it's generally known that about 85-90 percent of erectile problems are caused by an existing medical condition. Despite their worry, many women are reluctant to suggest that their partner see a doctor. Sometimes, both partners see a doctor. Sometimes, both partners avoid the issue entirely and pretend that everything is fine. This attitude can intensify anger or depression. A woman's emotions regarding the impotence of her partner can b
e complex.

Ever wanted to bring back the heat in bed and cure your erectile dysfunction problem naturally and safe. Would you like to show your partner(s) your sexual strength and power? Are you about to give up the fight for your manhood and relationship? STOP, there's a solution now!

ProVIGRAX the first clinically proven, doctor endorsed OTC sublingual tablets that are taking the world by storm for its immediate effectiveness, no side effects, non-prescription formula.

ProVIGRAX a new alternative for viagra that cure erectile dysfunction and impotence naturally, a wonderful blend of fine herbs and essential vitamins that help achieve rock hard erections that last longer and are more frequent and intense. ProVIGR
AX has successfully shown good results and high efficacy in 77% of men.
The ingredients in this exclusive formula have been shown in our scientific studies and clinical trials to increase sexual desire, support sexual function and boost the male libido. Uses a combination of herbal extracts long associated with libido and
performance in traditional cultures.


In about 40% of infertile couples, the cause of the infertility lies with the males. There are many reasons for male infertility. For couples who are trying to conceive, it only makes sense to have an evaluation done on the males fertility health when conception hasn't occurred after 6 months.

Should we have intercourse everyday or every other day?
There has been a tremendous amount of misinformation about the best way to time intercourse to increase the chance of conception. Most of this misinformation has come from physicians who have confused obtaining a standard semen analysis with promoting conception. It has been clearly shown, both with normal sperm counts and low sperm counts, that daily intercourse during the fertile period produces the highest pregnancy rates. You cannot "save it up" and you cannot have intercourse too often. The fertile period starts 6 days before ovulation and ends the day after ovulation.

Quick Fact: It takes approximately 72-90 days to produce mature sperm. Sperm is produced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Excessive Caffeine
Excessive alcohol consumption

Street and certain Prescription Drugs
Some over the counter medications
Injury to the testicles
Blockage in the Vas Deferens
Excessive Heat to the testicles
Vitamin Deficiencies

To achieve its goal, sperm must have three things going for it: quantity, quality and motility.

Quantity. You're most likely to be fertile if you have more than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. However, researchers are finding that having healthy sperm (the quality) may be just as important as the total amount of sperm you produce. Of the millions of sperm in the ejaculated semen, only about 200 actually reach the egg in
a woman's fallopian tube. But, just one is needed to fertilize the egg.

Quality. It's not enough just to have enough. Sperm shape and structure (morphology) are equally important. Youare most likely to be fertile if more than one third of your sperm are of normal shape and structure. A normal sperm has an oval head and a long tail that propel it forward. Sperm with large, small, tapered or crooked heads or kinky, curled or double tails are less likely to fertilize an egg.

Motility. To reach the target, your sperm have to move.Riding the semen wave will only take the sperm so far. To reach the egg, sperm have to move on their own wriggling and swimming the last few inches to reach and penetrate the egg. Sperm movement (motility) is an important characteristic of healthy sperm. You're most likely to be fertile if at least half of your sperm are moving.

There are natural ways to improve male fertility.
There are few common rules to start with.

1. Limit or eliminate caffeine intake.
2. Stop smoking
3. Stop Recreational Drugs
4. Wear Loose Underwear (boxers)
5. Stay out of Hot Tubs
6. Quit drinking alcoholic beverages

Ejaculation Facts:

* Average volume of semen per ejaculation: 2 to 6 ml (0.41 to 1.22 US teaspoons)
* Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 5,000
* Average total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 17 liters or
18 quarts
* Average number of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7
* Average duration of orgasm: 4 seconds
* Average number of sperm cells in the ejaculate of a healthy man: 40 to 600 million
* Distance sperm travels to fertilize an egg: 7.5-10 centimeters or 3-4 inches
* Sperm lifespan: 2.5 months from development to ejaculation
* Sperm lifespan after ejaculation: 30 seconds to 6 days d
epending on conditions

Supplements The following supplements have been shown to increase sperm count and/or motility. Allow 3-4 months for the supplements to work.

Xtracum pills are composed of herbs that for centuries have been used in ancient medicine to increase libido, sexual stimulation, and virility. Many of these herbs have been used in Asia and South America for thousands of years as male sexual tonics. In the past couple hundred years, Western medicine has forgotten the raw power that the right herbs can have within the male body.

These herbs tackle the male system and boost overall virility, sexual appetite, and hormones. In the male body, this translates to a larger libido and a vastly greater production of semen.

What are the ingredients included in MORE-SPERM pills?

* Each tablet contains:
Salabmisri 130mg, Kokilaksha 64mg, Vanya Kahu 32mg, Kapikachchhu 32mg,Suvarnavang 32mg

* Extracts:
Vriddadaru 64mg, Gokshura 64mg, Jeevanti 64mg, Shaileyam 32mg

Friday, November 23, 2007


How common is lack of sex drive in women? Extremely common. The American Medical Association has estimated that several million US women suffer from what US doctors prefer to call 'female sexual arousal disorder' or 'FSAD'. However, recent (2005) US claims that ‘45 per cent of women have FSAD’ are clearly absurd. At the moment there is a sort of ‘FSAD bandwagon’ – driven by doctors who think that nearly half the female population is lacking in desire.

This really doesn’t seem very likely! However, in the UK, family planning clinics and Relate clinics do see quite large numbers of women who complain of lack of desire. Our estimate is that at any one time, several hundred thousand women in Britain are troubled by lack of libido. It's important to stress that many of these women have no problems with having o
rgasms. However, they have no real desire to have sex, and their minds are not turned on by the prospect of lovemaking. Fortunately, for many women, lack of libido is only a temporary phenomenon. Some will get over it by themselves - and a lot more can be helped by expert medical or psycho sexual advice.

The female libido or sex drive changes throughout the menstrual cycle as do many other aspects of life. Libido often peaks at mid cycle and premenstrually and the experience of these separate peaks is different. Moods aside, in natural state female have an "inordinately high drive and orgasmic capacity" at this time.


Advanced formula to increase sex drive in women.
Absolutely no side effects; the product contains 100% natural herbal ingredients.
Heightened Sensitivity.
Improves sexual desire and function.

Intensifies pleasure and orgasms.
Improves stamina and endurance.

Diva can be used in cases functional impotence, lack of libido and general sexual weakness. Diva can also be taken for energy enhancement, in general. If you feel tired and lethargic, take 1 Diva capsule every alternate day to boost up your energy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How Ejaculation Volume Enhancers Work

To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male climax works.

Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen. The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.

However, the larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more intense.

That's why several products have hit the market recently that are specifically designed to increase the volume of ejaculate. Some products emphasize more the man's ability to impress a partner (and himself) with a larger, more manly load. But one notable exception emphasizes not just the greater pleasure of climaxing with more semen, but the overall benefits to the male reproductive system. That one is Semenax™, one of our top picks among products for the very sexually active male.

The male sexual system is a complex interplay of many different parts; for maximum pleasure, each must be working in top order at the right time. A good quality male supplement should also enhance the function of each of these vital parts of a man's reproductive system:

  • Ejaculatory Ducts:
    The path through the seminal glands which semen travels during ejaculation.

  • Epididymis:
    The epididymis is a 'holding pen' where sperm produced by the seminiferous tubules mature. The sperm wait here until ejaculation.

  • Testes, Testicles:
    The two testes within the scrotum produce sperm and testosterone. Within each testis is a kilometer (!) of ducts called the seminiferous tubules, the organs which generate sperm.

  • Prostate Gland:
    Also produces a fluid that makes up the semen. The prostate gland also squeezes shut the urethral duct to the bladder, thus preventing urine from mixing with the semen and disturbing the pH balance required by sperm.

  • Seminal Vesicles:
    The seminal vesicles produce semen, a fluid that activates and protects the sperm after it has left the penis during ejaculation.

  • Vas Deferens:
    The ducts leading from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles.

Although "volume" capsules and tablets have the specific purpose of increasing sperm and semen production/amount, we feel it's important to always consider overall male sexual health with any program you decide to pursue.

For some men, the issue of improved potency and fertility is very important as well. If this is of concern to you, look for a supplement that increases both volume of fluid AND quantity and health of sperm. Your load will be not only bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable, but more potent as well. Again, Semenax™ scores high across both categories.

The volume tablets may include amino acids (the building blocks of protein) plus herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America. Look for ingredients that have been proven over decades or even hundreds of years of experience to stimulate sexual activity and increase semen and sperm production in the testis. Some of the listings you'll see include:

    Studies show sperm and semen volume doubles, fertility improves (even among men with low sperm counts or poor sperm motility), and sperm health and activity increase with supplementation.

    Researchers find that this amino acids plus zinc increases sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and improves semen quality.

    Sometimes called "horny goat weed," this botanical boosts libido and testosterone levels for greater sperm production.

    Has been shown to increase number of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis.

    This amino acid is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm.

    Brazilian herb that strengthens the libido, and nourishes the entire male reproductive system.

    Supports prostate health and hormonal production.

MACA Legendary South American botanical proven to promote libido, potency and energy.

Good supplements are manufactured in a pharmaceutical-grade laboratory, and offer a money back guarantee. As with all herbal supplements, shop with care; make sure to choose a reputable company that offers and honors its guarantees. Our research into these products and survey results found Semenax™ to be the best product in this category.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Antioxidant levels key to prostate cancer risk in some men

Antioxidant levels key to prostate cancer risk in some men

Greater levels of selenium, vitamin E and the tomato carotenoid lycopene have been shown to reduce prostate cancer in one out of every four Caucasian males, or those who inherit a specific genetic variation that is particularly sensitive to oxidative stress, say US researchers.

Conversely, if carriers of this genetic variant have low levels of these vitamins and minerals, their risk of aggressive prostate increases substantially, as great as 10-fold, over those who maintain higher levels of these nutrients, they write in today’s issue of Cancer Research.

"This large prospective study provides further evidence that oxidative stress may be one of the important mechanisms for prostate cancer development and progression, and adequate intake of antioxidants, such as selenium, lycopene and vitamin E, may help prevent prostate cancer," said Dr Haojie Li, a researcher at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

The new findings are based on an analysis of 567 men d
iagnosed with prostate cancer between 1982 and 1995, and 764 cancer-free men from the Physicians Health Study.

The initial goal of this study was to assess the effect of aspirin and beta-carotene on men's health. Li’s team decided to check for variants of the gene that codes for manganese superoxide dismutatase (MnSOD), an important enzyme that works as an antioxidant in human cells to defend against disease.

The MnSOD gene is passed from parents to offspring in one of three forms: VV, VA or AA.

"Compared with men with the MnSOD VV or VA genotype, people with the AA genotype seem to be more sensitive to the antioxidant status," said Li. "Men with the AA genotype are more susceptible to prostate cancer if their antioxidant levels are low."

The study's results found that a quarter of the men in the study carried the MnSOD AA genotype, half carried the VA genotype, and the remaining quarter carried the VV genotype.

The results indicated that the VA and VV men were at equivalent risk for developing prostate cancer across all levels of antioxidants in their blood.

But compared to MnSOD VV or VA carriers in the lowest quartile of selenium levels, MnSOD AA males had an 89 per cent greater risk for developing aggressive prostate cancer if they had low blood levels of the mineral.

On the other hand, MnSOD AA carriers with high selenium – those men in the highest quartile – had a 65 per cent lower risk than the MnSOD VV or VA males who maintained low levels of selenium.

"The levels of selenium in the highest quartile of these men are not abnormally high," Li said. "Our range is neither extremely high nor extremely lo

While similar trends were observed for lycopene and vitamin E when tested independently, the contrast in relative risk was most pronounced for the men who had high blood levels for all three antioxidants combined, said the researchers.

"Among men with the MnSOD AA genotype, we observed a 10-fold difference in risk for aggressive prostate cancer, when comparing men with high versus low levels of antioxidants combined,"said Li. "In contrast, among men with the VV or VA genotype, the prostate cancer risk was only weakly altered by these antioxidant levels."

"Our study, as well as many other epidemiological studies, encourages dietary intake of nutrients such as lycopene from tomato products, or s
upplements for vitamin E and selenium to reduce risk of prostate cancer," said Li.

Prostate cancer is one of the biggest cancer killers in industrial countries and affects more than 500,000 men worldwide every year. This number is expected to increase with the ageing population.

Similar interactions between dietary antioxidants and the variations in the MnSOD gene have previously been linked to risk for breast cancer.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Male Infertility

infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman keeps having miscarriages, it is also called infertility. Lots of couples have infertility problems. About a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman. In another third of cases, it is because of the man. The rest of the time, it is because of both partners or no cause is found.

If you think you might be infertile, tell your doctor. For a man, a first step is often a sperm test. For women, doctors run tests to see if their ovaries work properly. Women in their 30s who have been trying to get pregnant for six months should consider seeking help. A woman's chances of having a baby drop rapidly every year after age 30.

The most common cause of male infertility is a varicocele (say: "var-ee-koh-seal"). This is when the veins in the scrotum (the skin "sack" that hangs beneath the penis) are dilated (enlarged) on 1 or both sides. This heats the inside of the scrotum and may affect sperm production. A blockage in a man's reproductive system may cause male infertility. Some medicines can also cause infertility.

Other causes of male infertility may include:

  • low sperm count
  • sperm that are abnormally shaped or that don't move correctly
  • an underlying medical problem
  • undescended testicle
Sometimes the cause of male infertility cannot be identified. In these cases, there may be an underlying genetic problem.

Should men be checked for infertility?

Yes. It's important to identify and treat any correctable problems. In some men, a doctor's exam may find an underlying medical problem that is causing the infertility.

How is infertility evaluated?

Your doctor will obtain your medical history, examine you and test your semen at least twice. A semen analysis can tell your doctor about your sperm count and sperm quality. These are important parts of fertility. More testing may be needed, depending on the results of this first evaluation.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Treatment for severe Premature ejaculation cases

The Masters-Johnson method

This method cures the vast majority of men, provided that both partners are keen to co-operate (which isn't always the case). It is based on a special 'penis grip' developed by the American therapists Masters and Johnson.

The finger-grip abolishes the desire to climax, so if, under careful instruction, the couple use it over a period of weeks, they can usually re-train the man so he can last much longer.

What does it involve?

  • Your partner places her hand so that her thumb is on one side of the man's erect penis (the nearer side to her when she is facing him).

  • Her index and middle fingers are on the other side.

  • The index finger is just above the ridge of the glans (the 'head'), while the middle finger is just below the ridge.

  • When the man feels that he's near to a climax, he tells his partner.

  • She then squeezes his shaft firmly between her thumb and the other two fingers. (Don't worry: it's painless!)

The programme and the grip can work for male couples as well as for heterosexual ones.

Does it work?

We have seen many men with PE who couldn't last for 30 seconds, who were able to last as long as half an hour after careful training over a period of months. But unless this is done as part of an organised programme, it probably won't work.

The Masters and Johnson grip really needs to be demonstrated to you personally by an expert. Most couples who try to learn it from the Internet or a book get it wrong.

A new medication:
There's a new medication has been tried and clinically tested by some doctors. They found out that it has zero side effects to the patient and is very effective.

Last Longer is a herbal supplement that allows users more control over ejaculation, completely curing "Premature ejaculation" and other sexual dysfunction problems.

*Non-hormonal herbal therapy.
*Acts locally on the sex organs.
*Regulates process of ejaculation.
*Acts through neuro-endocrine pathway.
*Acts on the high centers of emotion in the brain.

How does Last-Longer work?
Last-Longer acts on the hypothalamatic sensors of the brain that regulate sexual excitement. By lowering the hyper activity of the sexual sensors, Last-Longer helps you to prolong the penetration time and delays ejaculation by up to 20 mins.

Does Last-Longer really work?
Yes! Last-Longer is a herbal marvel. After years of cutting edge research the manufacturers of this medication have been able to perfect the product. Before launching this product we conducted a series of clinical trials on human patients and recorded a 100% success level. The effects start just within the first month of starting the course and after 6 month course you are completely cured of the problem.

What is the usual dose?
The usual dose is 2 pills daily. Take them with a large glass of water every morning 30minutes after food. You may if desired, take up to 4 pills daily, this can produce better results. But don't take more than 2 pills in 8hrs, and never take more than 4 pills in a single day. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as remembered; do not take if it is almost time for the next dose, instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not "double-up" the dose to catch up.

Click here to know more about Last Longer

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Safe and Natural Penis enlargement

Penis enlargement is the goal of a number of men dissatisfied with their penis size. In general, where there is a perceived problem with penis.

Very few men have a very small penis: this is known as a micro penis, and is a very unusual condition which will generally have been detected in early childhood. Penis-enlargement self-treatments are also effective on this condition.

MaxDude is truly the best penis enlargement pill you can find. It is the only penis enlargement pill that guarantees results with a full money-back guarantee in case you are not fully satisfied. MaxDude is a purely herbal formula blended in optimum proportions to give you an effective, yet safe penis enlargement pill. MaxDude does not come along with a multitude of side effects. In fact, it has absolutely no side effects. It is completely safe for use.

The penis is made up of 3 chambers, 2 large ones on top, which is your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa), and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom from which you urinate and ejaculate (Corpus Spongisum). When you are sexually aroused, your brain releases a hormone causing blood to enter the penis and fill your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa). The cells in the Corpora Cavernosa are filled with blood until an erection is achieved.

Maxdude pills contain a number of natural aphrodisiacs which have been known many years for their ability to increase sexual desire and performance. The ingredients have been used for centuries as atonic to enhance performance and virility. MXman works by expanding the blood vessels in the penis, causing increased blood flow, and therefore a much healthier and bigger penis. In addition, it increases the formation of Nitrous Oxide, a natural substance that is important for producing an erection. These ingredients have also been used by prescription to enhance performance and the capabilities to sustain and maintain an erection. Pueraria tuberosa has first been mentioned in German Pharmacopoeia well over 200 years ago as a powerful aphrodisiac. Asteracantha longifolia increases energy, stamina and vitality. One of its main uses is to improve sexual performance and desire and to increase fertility. Mucuna pruriens increases libido, virility and performance. It is also very helpful for prostate health. Ginkgo Biloba improves circulation to the penis.

Maxdude is the result of years of research. We have developed the complete herbal formula specifically to help you increase your penis size and have better sex as a result. Increase your confidence, get your sex life going. End all the embarrassment because of your penis size. Get a bigger penis. Order MaxDude today.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Natural Male Enhancement

The Natural Gain Plus program is the most powerful natural male enhancement program available anywhere in the world. With years of success behind our product and being one of the only companies that uses 100% natural ingredients we foresee you having great success.

Natural Gain Plus can give you amazing results in just weeks!

The Na
tural Gain Plus program combines exercise techniques and a blend of natural herbal ingredients which are known to improve sexual functions, increase libido, and increase semen volume.*

How Natural Gain Plus Works

If you have a better understanding of the physiological basis for great sex, you can begin your journey toward greater passion and performance. If you recognize that health and sex are inescapably entwined, you will be more willing to commit to positive lifestyle changes to improve your health and your sex life. The majority of men and women, regardless of age or health conditions, will benefit sexually by improving general health. But before I can share with you how exercise, diet, supplements, habits and attitude can directly improve your libido and potency, I must advise t hose with medical problems to seek the advice of a qualified health care professional.

Your penis is divided into 3 chambers, 2 large ones on top which is your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa), and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom which you urinate and ejaculate from (Corpus Spongisum). When you get an erection, your brain releases a hormone which sends blood to your penis, filling your erectile tissue. The blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa fill to the maximum, giving you an erection.

Now, the maximum your Corpora Cavernosa can fill is the size your penis presently is. But Guess what? An erection is a complex event that requires the interaction of the brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels. The shaft of the normal penis consists of two erectile bodies, each called the corpus cavernosum, which begin at the pelvic bone and extend to just below the head of the penis. They are spongy tissue made up of smooth muscle and blood vessels.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Prostate Health Facts

What is an Enlarging Prostate?

As one of the primary organs in the male reproductive system, the prostate produces fluids in semen that help to sustain and protect sperm against natural vaginal acids. The prostate doubles by the time a man reaches 25 and continues to grow again when many men are in their 50’s and through the remainder of their life.

As the prostate grows it can put excess pressure on the urethra (the small tube that carries urine and semen). As this pressure increases the urethra can become pinched which can lead to painful and embarrassing symptoms such as urinary hesitancy, painful urination, and erectile dysfunction. If left untreated these conditions may eventually require surgery. This enlarging of the prostate is clinically known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH.

The Stages of Prostate Growth
At birth the prostate weights around 1.5 grams During puberty the prostate grows to around 11 grams In the early to middle 20’s the prostate grows to around 18 grams In the early 50’s there is a new growth phase which continues until around age 70 where the prostate usually reaches around 31 grams. This phase of growth is what doctors call benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
The prostate gland is different than most of the other organs because it grows in size during several stages of a man’s life. Doctors refer to this condition as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or benign prostatic hypertrophy. This non-cancerous enlargement is part of the normal maturation process in all males. It first occurs during puberty (when it nearly doubles in size) and again around the age of 25. The prostate will continue to grow through the remainder of life, usually causing significant complications beginning at the age of 40. In fact, some 90% of all men in their sixties and seventies complain of prostate issues. BPH is often a condition of concern for most men, as its symptoms can often mimic those found in prostate cancer. However, BPH is not indicative of prostate cancer.

Although changes in prostate health are indefinitely part of every man's life, the signs and symptoms that are associated with this condition often prove too embarrassing for most men to even mention.

Prostacet provides a comprehensive blend of Vitamins, minerals and standardized herbal extracts designed to support healthy prostate function.

  • Support positive hormone balance
  • Promote good circulation within prostate tissue
  • Provide antioxidant support for prostate tissue
  • Inhibit inflammation within the prostate
  • Support healthy immune function