Saturday, November 24, 2007


In about 40% of infertile couples, the cause of the infertility lies with the males. There are many reasons for male infertility. For couples who are trying to conceive, it only makes sense to have an evaluation done on the males fertility health when conception hasn't occurred after 6 months.

Should we have intercourse everyday or every other day?
There has been a tremendous amount of misinformation about the best way to time intercourse to increase the chance of conception. Most of this misinformation has come from physicians who have confused obtaining a standard semen analysis with promoting conception. It has been clearly shown, both with normal sperm counts and low sperm counts, that daily intercourse during the fertile period produces the highest pregnancy rates. You cannot "save it up" and you cannot have intercourse too often. The fertile period starts 6 days before ovulation and ends the day after ovulation.

Quick Fact: It takes approximately 72-90 days to produce mature sperm. Sperm is produced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Excessive Caffeine
Excessive alcohol consumption

Street and certain Prescription Drugs
Some over the counter medications
Injury to the testicles
Blockage in the Vas Deferens
Excessive Heat to the testicles
Vitamin Deficiencies

To achieve its goal, sperm must have three things going for it: quantity, quality and motility.

Quantity. You're most likely to be fertile if you have more than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. However, researchers are finding that having healthy sperm (the quality) may be just as important as the total amount of sperm you produce. Of the millions of sperm in the ejaculated semen, only about 200 actually reach the egg in
a woman's fallopian tube. But, just one is needed to fertilize the egg.

Quality. It's not enough just to have enough. Sperm shape and structure (morphology) are equally important. Youare most likely to be fertile if more than one third of your sperm are of normal shape and structure. A normal sperm has an oval head and a long tail that propel it forward. Sperm with large, small, tapered or crooked heads or kinky, curled or double tails are less likely to fertilize an egg.

Motility. To reach the target, your sperm have to move.Riding the semen wave will only take the sperm so far. To reach the egg, sperm have to move on their own wriggling and swimming the last few inches to reach and penetrate the egg. Sperm movement (motility) is an important characteristic of healthy sperm. You're most likely to be fertile if at least half of your sperm are moving.

There are natural ways to improve male fertility.
There are few common rules to start with.

1. Limit or eliminate caffeine intake.
2. Stop smoking
3. Stop Recreational Drugs
4. Wear Loose Underwear (boxers)
5. Stay out of Hot Tubs
6. Quit drinking alcoholic beverages

Ejaculation Facts:

* Average volume of semen per ejaculation: 2 to 6 ml (0.41 to 1.22 US teaspoons)
* Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 5,000
* Average total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 17 liters or
18 quarts
* Average number of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7
* Average duration of orgasm: 4 seconds
* Average number of sperm cells in the ejaculate of a healthy man: 40 to 600 million
* Distance sperm travels to fertilize an egg: 7.5-10 centimeters or 3-4 inches
* Sperm lifespan: 2.5 months from development to ejaculation
* Sperm lifespan after ejaculation: 30 seconds to 6 days d
epending on conditions

Supplements The following supplements have been shown to increase sperm count and/or motility. Allow 3-4 months for the supplements to work.

Xtracum pills are composed of herbs that for centuries have been used in ancient medicine to increase libido, sexual stimulation, and virility. Many of these herbs have been used in Asia and South America for thousands of years as male sexual tonics. In the past couple hundred years, Western medicine has forgotten the raw power that the right herbs can have within the male body.

These herbs tackle the male system and boost overall virility, sexual appetite, and hormones. In the male body, this translates to a larger libido and a vastly greater production of semen.

What are the ingredients included in MORE-SPERM pills?

* Each tablet contains:
Salabmisri 130mg, Kokilaksha 64mg, Vanya Kahu 32mg, Kapikachchhu 32mg,Suvarnavang 32mg

* Extracts:
Vriddadaru 64mg, Gokshura 64mg, Jeevanti 64mg, Shaileyam 32mg