Saturday, December 22, 2007

ProExtender System FAQ

The inventors of the ProExtender System claim to have come up with a unique and effective approach to helping man achieve the ideal penis size without the hassle of going through a lengthy and often painful medical operation. The system is composed not only of a single component, but four distinct elements effectively complementing one another in order to provide maximum satisfaction to millions of men all around the world.

Still, some sectors of the male population are not totally sold out on the concept being espoused by the ProExtender System. Certain questions linger on their minds, which range from the simplest to the more serious. This is not entirely surprising because while the ProExtender System is generally supposed to work as a single machine, its four major elements are still distinct from one another, and one component may be quite effective while another one may be found to be lacking in power. Either way, such questions ought to be answered satisfactorily if ProExtender wishes to establish itself as a credible penis-enhancement product.

For example, there is a question about possible pain that one can experience when making use of one component of the ProExtender System, which is the ProExtender Penis Enlargement device. Actually, the device, a penis traction, was developed by a physician-scientist after years of studying the various methods involved in penile enlargement. As such, it is medically safe to use and is anatomically fit to handle the human penis. Initially, a slight discomfort may be felt, usually in the form of soreness, but this is natural since it is but a sign that the body is merely making the necessary adjustments, and in no time at all, the soreness should quickly disappear. Skin irritations can also be experienced at first in several cases, but pads and cushions can readily be used to provide comfort.

The second and third components of the ProExtender System is all about the special pills that act as supplements to complement the penis traction, which is the first component. These pills have been specially formulated to enhance the growth of the penis naturally, but concerns about possible side effects have been raised, which are actually unfounded. This is primarily because the ingredients of the sex pills are naturally based, usually herbal plant extracts, and mixed together in the appropriate amount, providing for a truly effective formulation. Additionally, the traction device has been questioned, citing its possible adverse effects in sensitive functions like urination, erection, performance, and even fertility. All of these have no scientific foundations and are simply untrue.

The basic usability of the traction device has also been questioned, specifically its capability to make adjustments to various penis lengths. One should keep in mind, however, that the ProExtender traction device is fully adjustable. If one wishes to lengthen its bars, the accompanying extenders should ably provide the adequate adjustments.

One popular question about any kind of merchandise is the length of time that will be needed before one can get to enjoy the benefits that it claims to be capable of offering. The ProExtender System has not been excluded from being asked the same question, and the answer is that with the supplement pills alone, significant results can be observed from the very first day of use, with the complete effect possible within several weeks, or at most, a month. Combined with the exercise CD (the fourth component) and the traction, the beneficial effects are possible in just one week.

A common fear among prospective ProExtender System users is that the eventual increase in penis size might get lost all of a sudden, specially if one stops using the traction altogether. Yet, ProExtender says that for as long as one follows the usage instructions properly, the increase in size should more or less be permanent. Additionally, the consequent enlargement should ideally lead to stronger erections largely because of the increased blood flow and cell activity resulting from traction use.

Problems like getting an erection in the midst of wearing the traction is not really an issue since the device is capable of adjusting to the unique erection angle. Alternately, the traction can slide out smoothly when an erection happens, and users can choose to wear it again once the erection subsides.

A crucial issue is how to wear the ProExtender penis traction discreetly, which can actually be accomplished by using a medium-loose pair of pants, although an equally good way is to wear the device when going to sleep. Either way, getting the desired results from wearing the penis traction is not dependent on when it was used, but rather, on the length of time that it was worn. As such, making use of it can actually be incorporated into some very basic routines like watching TV, reading a book, or even while commuting from one place to another.

Apart from the standard penis enlargement function, the ProExtender traction is also known to be capable of effectively treating certain abnormalities of the penis like the tendency of some to curve either leftward or rightward. This particular function of the ProExtender has been proven clinically, and introduces a new device aspect, making it a multi-faceted penis enhancement instrument.

For men interested in making an order of the ProExtender System, there are also several questions at the back of their minds that tend to block their attempts at making a successful purchase. Many of these center on possible embarrassment and consequent humiliation. Some of the more common ones include shipping the product in a discreet manner, which is usually a standard practice in order to protect the privacy of customers. ProExtender further enhances this by not displaying in concrete and clear terms the package contents on its outside label.

Some related questions focus on how to go about ordering for the ProExtender System, which can actually be done online. Purchases made through the Internet are actually becoming popular as they offer a safe and secure transaction. In the case of the ProExtender System, an online purchase involves a few simple steps that are quite easy to understand and follow. More importantly, however, it has a 100-percent refund policy if customers are unsatisfied with the product. This simply means that users can easily get their money back if they eventually find the ProExtender System to be incapable of standing by its claim.