Monday, January 21, 2008

How can I Last Longer During Sex?

How can I Last Longer During Sex?

Whether you have serious premature ejaculation problems or just want to last a little longer to impress that special someone, we’ve all know the feeling. It’s much harder for guys to last as long as women during sex. It doesn’t always happen, but sometimes we finish sooner than we’d like. Wouldn’t it be nice to last long enough to REALLY impress her?

Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner during sexual intercourse than they or their partner would like. As long as it happens infrequently, it's probably not cause for concern. However, if you regularly ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish — such as before intercourse begins or shortly afterward — you may have a condition known as premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual disorder. Estimates vary, but some experts think it affects as many as one out of three men. Even though it's a common problem that can be treated, many men feel embarrassed to talk to their doctors about it or seek treatment.

So What’s the Solution?

After a great deal of research, we’ve found a product which deserves a second look and one which we feel comfortable in recommending. It’s an herbal product called Climinax. I know what you’re thinking… herbal? Most products are unreliable or have unrealistic claims. This one is different. We tested it for ourselves (in several “field tests” ?u0160 and found that it truly works. Here’s the stats:

In our test, 10 people used Climinax with measurable results.

2 men lasted 12 minutes longer
2 men lasted 19 minutes longer
5 men lasted 25 minutes longer
1 man lasted 9 minutes longer

Clearly these results show a marked improvement overall. All 10 men showed measurable improvement in sexual time and were able to last longer during sex. This translated to a better more fulfilling experience for their partners and a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment for the men.

We encourage you to try Climinax today. Don’t wait another day! Whether you have serious premature ejaculation problems or just want to last a little longer to impress that special someone, Climinax can outperform anything you’ve ever used!

Stop stalling and try Climinax today. Each bottle comes with an iron-clad satisfaction guarantee for 60 days. Plenty of time for you to see results!